Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Blog 4 make-up

In this blog, we will discuss the use of Second Life and other vertual online games. The big question is: Does this have a place in education? Great question with a complicated answer. In some ways, I am skeptical because it could be just another distraction from the main content if students were to get off task. On the other hand, students love video games and they are learning other things through them, why not allow them to learn content through this kind of gaming. If it is used right, I can see how it would benefit expecially students who are visual learners.

However, there are "adult" places on Second Life that teachers need to be aware of due to the inappropriate content. The students that I serve would be especially vunerable because most of them are 17-21 years of age. It would be easy for them to get to places where they shouldn't because of their age and having to sign in as an adult and not a teen. So I am leary there.

I'm not sure how long it would take for a teacher to set this up for students, that would be another consideration. And yet I am intreged enough that it would be fun to try - it would be something that would help motivate my students to learn. I would like to check into it. However, I tried to follow the link for a trial and it was blocked by the school - I think, I could not get to it, so that would be another issue.

My kids are getting an XBox 360 kinect for Christmas, I am planning on experimenting with that first to see what I can do and practice with my kids.


This is really difficult. I'm not sure at this time what I will be doing this project on. What I am thinking at the moment is using Mrs Schultz's Blog Spot for homework assignments and podcasts of any lecture. I would also like to use Prezi presentations in my classroom as well.

Well I'm back after having difficulty getting to my blog. My project will be a Webquest Garden. My unit will be a unit that I am working on at school currently. The unit is on employability skills for high school special education students who are behind in their credits. They are taking this class to receive an elective credit.

My lessons are 3 fold - cover letters, resume making and job interview skills. Each lesson will have youtube videos to watch - a funny video for a hook, then some very practical videos where they can use the information to complete the assignments. Other assignments will be related to the lessons to scaffold up to the final project in each lesson.

At the end of this unit students will have a cover letter and a resume that they can use to apply for a job and they will also  have job interviewing experience as we will practice in pairs, have another teacher from the building interview as well as having someone from MRS (Michigan Rehab Services) come out to do an interview with students.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Webquest review

3. Blog #3: Webquest Strengths and Weaknesses. This should be completed on your blog (Ithink most of you use Blogger.com). (30 minutes)You are to go to the Questgarden Webquest Examples page (Curriculum x Grade Level Matrixsection -- enter your requested info and search) and view 1 example webquest.
 Please try andsearch for a webquest that is from a subject you teach (or, at least a similar grade level), if youteach or want to teach; otherwise, you can select anything. When you've selected a WebQuest,use the questions below to evaluate the selected WebQuests.Identify 1 strength and 1 weakness in the each the following areas:
Provide the Webquest location (URL) :  http://questgarden.com/132/09/5/110926192034/
A.      Introduction.
Strength:  It is written in a personable way, directly to the student.  Weakness: By asking a couple more questions, the student would be more motivated to want to learn more.
B.      A task that is doable and interesting.
Strength:  The worksheet is great, many practical expenses that the student will have. Creating a Glogster pie chart is a great idea. Weakness: The students start off with an amount of money to budget - $1750/month – 21,000/year; however that is before taxes (are taken out) – taxes are not mentioned in the rest of the worksheet.

C.       A process (do learners know what to do and when?).
Strength:  Students have a step by step process with some guiding questions, for making decisions that would affect the budget. Weakness: Include Glogster URL, and possibly directions on how to create an account.
D.  Evaluation. Strength:  Really good rubric Weakness: One of the requirements mentioned in the rubric was a poster; however a poster was not mentioned in the “Process” or “Task”
     E.  A conclusion that brings closure to the quest, reminds the learners about what they've learned...Overall thoughts.  Strength:  It attempts to put the student at ease, and the students have created a project that they can refer to in the future. Weakness: There is a typo. Overall thoughts – answered in “G”. 
    F.  And, lastly: Not sure what the strengths and weaknesses would be in this section J
   G.  Is this a webquest you think you could use without modification in your classroom (not for the project in this class -- that should be your own creation)? What might you have to change? Yes. Overall thoughts:   I think this is a great webquest that I can use in my classroom – and I do intend on it…There is only one major thing that I would change and that would be to show them the difference in a pay check before and after taxes, and the students need to budget – with the after taxes amount.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011



The school that I work at is an alternative high school were students are at least 16 and at least one year behind in their classes.  Students complete all of there classes online.These students were not successful in completing their courses at their base high school for one reason or another. If a student is able to catch up to their grade level, they have the option to return to their base high school...however most students prefer to stay at our school.
So for this assignment I was thinking about how assistive technology could assist students who are behind. One of the items that I'm attempting to get for our school is tall tables, similar to the ones you see at coffee houses or even McDonalds. Many of the students I come in contact with have a hard time sitting for any length of time  The district is asking these students to sit at a computer for six hours a day to complete classes. The students are also asked to sit in regular hard "school chairs", without any type of cushion. Office style chairs are few and far between and are usually the first chairs taken.  Are they special education students?  No, not all of these students have an "IEP", however a good number of students still  have a difficult time with sitting for any length of time.  Having tall tables in each of the classrooms would provide students an option of standing at a table to work, using a laptop (each classroom has laptops available).

I do not have any budget available to purchase these tables. I've looked on-line and they are expensive. We have a few at the church that I attend, however, they were not purchased but made by someone in the church who donated them. I've asked the principle and even the special education supervisor, but without a budget for it, it's gone no where. I've been pushing for this for almost a year. I would like to find a company who is replacing or updating their tables and would consider donating them to the school...but who? I'm open for any suggestions.

Another idea for assistive technology is several exercise balls. Some students enjoy sitting on a ball to complete their work, it actually helps students keep focus. Even GVSU tried it with one of their courses, and the students not only liked them, but stated that they were able to focus and stay on task better...grades went up.
identify an example of an assistive technology and describe its potential purpose and use

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I attempted to post this blog at http://edtechtoolbox.blogspot.com/2011/07/this-site-is-via-jeff-thomas-at-tech.html#comments  about 10 times without success. Not sure why is did not post on the site. Here is what I wrote to put on that site. I've spent way over an hour already, and I had to give up so that I could do other assignments.

I teach High School students and I really enjoyed your 50-ways-to-anchor-technology article. Of the 50, I can start using about 19 of them now. The others are either for elementary (which I think elementary teachers would love) or the sites will require some additional investegation on my part. The best part is: they are free. I've tried to find sites to use in the past and I would get so far, only to find out there was a cost attached. I am so glad that you put this list together. Thank you.

Blog assignment 10/9/11

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

blog post assignment

Deb Schultz said...
I thought this video was very interesting. The question raised regarding the "21st century classroom" is a very valid question as we attempt to prepare our students for the future. There is a huge need for technology integrated into the classroom. There is so much information that students can tap into, it's mind boggling.
There is a huge need for schools to teach not only technology as but also how to use it properly. (ethics). We would be doing a disservice to our students if we don't "keep up with the times". More and more jobs require employees to be proficient with computer skills. I think it is sad when the students are more "techno savvy" than the teachers.
I think "collaborative group work and project based learning" are great, and why not share it and work together with another group from a school in a different country. It would be a great experience. Many of my students have not been outside of our city/county...it would certainly open their horizons.
A comment made in the video and the other post about "computers on our fingertips or in our scalps" is hard for me to wrap my brain around. However, take the cell phone for example, and how big it was (in size). Now it is small and thin, you can make a call, text, email,get GPS directions, download music, games, surf the net...I suppose maybe that is not too far fetched.

September 20, 2011 8:14 PM